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Woman's Living Design

Bio-spiritual renewal of the inner seasons, hormonal cycle
and our organic rhythmic nature

Pre-Recorded Immersion:
Go at your own pace

In Full: $277
Monthly Payment Plan: 2 x $138.50

This applied knowledge and Living Wisdom changed my life radically to a healthier and more wholesome expression and I am grateful to be able to share it with you in such a precise and beneficial way. Dive deeper into your inner frequency design, bio-spiritual essence, and purpose as a woman. Discover empowerment in your organic rhythmic nature through the frequency-level renewal of the inner seasons and the clearing of the distortions. Establish stability to govern over the fluctuations of the cycle from the place of surrender AND authority. This is for ALL women regardless of where you're at with your biological journey.

Woman’s inner frequency design and spiritual architecture is very intricate carrying a significant purpose on this planet both physically and spiritually. When we begin to understand the spiritual aspect of the inner seasons and deeper workings of the female embodiment we can become truly empowered and live in greater intimacy with God, the Designer within. We can actualize the precise creation that we truly are.


Many women are struggling physically, emotionally, or mentally because of the sheer lack of understanding of the deeper connections between the physiology and spirit-soul dimensions. This program is for anyone desiring to know their bio-spiritual nature more intimately and be freed from being a victim of the troublesome menstrual cycle, irregularity, PMS, distorted aging, pre- or post-menopause, or seasonal fluctuations that hijack your well-being. If your cycle is already balanced and healthy, you are welcome to join to learn deeper frequency-level insights and applications on how to benefit from it even more and empower your Service on this planet!

Please note, that if you're experiencing pre- or post-menopause you still have the inner seasons but they have become longer and less linear.


We will be infusing our spirit-soul-body with the Living Truth, bringing forth profound insights about our inner workings, and discovering a deeper purpose of why you as a spirit are a woman here in this world and how to make the most of it. This may be directly for you or for helping other women through you. 


In this program, we will promote deep ‘innerstanding’, bio-spiritual renewal, and true empowerment to live as a daughter of the Most High.  


We will cover the following 

  • Purpose & Original Design of a Woman - Multidimensional Architecture

  • Spiritual connections behind the physiology of a woman 

  • Frequency-level understanding of each of the inner seasons and their true potential: menstrual, pre-ovulatory, ovulatory, premenstrual, and the connections between them

  • Clearing the distortions behind the troublesome cycle and hormonal imbalances

  • Pre/ post menopause

  • Sealing and Insulation

  • A power of prayer

  • The Wisdom Way

Program includes

  • Six Pre-recorded 90-minute Group Sessions 

  • Lifetime access to the recordings

  • Upgraded facilitation to actualize the inner changes in the physical plane and lifestyle

  • Accelerated and precise container to support your process 

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The program content will be available via Etenal Present Podia page, which is an online platform for courses. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info unless you already have it from the previous frequency immersions. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact sanni@eternal-present if you have any trouble.

You will have the option to pay:
In full $277
Or in two monthly payments of $138.50
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How Does It Work?

You can read more about Bio-Spiritual Renewal and Frequency Repatterning here.


 Sanni operates in God-given gifts of prophetic seeing, root-level healing, and next-level teachings for those who are ready to go all in. She guides you to release repeating distorting patterns from your DNA, mind, and soul to calibrate your physical reality, relationships, work, and health into the most coherent expression. She is known as an inspirational speaker and change-maker who leads by example, supports you to walk in greater intimacy with the Living Truth, blows purpose in your sails, and catalyzes the pure potential in you. 

This renewal doesn’t only benefit you but every single person you interact with as well as the collective awakening of humankind.

Questions? Contact us at 

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