Bio-Spiritual Renewal &
Frequency Repatterning

Your original design and Spirit nature is a prosperous and multidimensional powerhouse that carries valuable gifts to fulfill the Eternal Purpose. Every human has the divine authority and ability to generate and release frequencies at will shaping the manifestation of the experienced reality. The key question is: What frequencies and patterns do you embody, and where do you broadcast from?
The key to embodied empowerment lies in our relationship and intimacy with Eternal God, our true Source, and the direct revelation of the Most High Truth. The institutionalized control system of religion and the self-centered false light of the spiritual industry have distanced many of us from the Perfect Love of God. This radically changes our experinece of Life and where we broadcast frequencies from. Perceived separation from the Eternal Presence creates distorted realities, patterns, and thinking where scarcity, confusion, fear, condemnation, and disease thrive. As you can see, the frequency patterns may be empowering such as success, confidence, unconditional love, or freedom, or they can be distorting such as suffering, disease, lack, or self-sabotage.
It is my greatest desire to see you succeed and prosper in all ways for the sake of the Whole. Testimonials speak for themselves!
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Your Frequency Body & Patterns
The seen physical world is shaped by the unseen. Our physical body, subtle feelings, deep emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are all a product of different forms of energy vibrating in a particular frequency. These frequencies form mental filters and patterns that manifest in the physical reality as embodiment, situations, opportunities, expressions, and power dynamics. When someone consciously governs the frequencies they resonate, they also govern their material life - this is a divine authority seeded in every human being. The relationship between your body (physical density), subtle energetics, and the power of awareness can be described as a somatic connection that is deeply included in this work and you may have heard me referring to it as Somatic Frequency Work. "Bio-Spiritual Renewal" is an upgraded and more precise name to describe this deep transfiguration that includes the fullness of our inner architecture: Spirit, soul, and body.
What causes you to react in a certain way? Why are some people successful or wealthy while others struggle to survive? Why does the same situation repeat in your life again and again? Why do people carry hereditary illnesses from one generation to the other? All these different scenarios are a combination of frequencies and patterns that run in our linear identity (soul) and DNA directing the experience and manifestation called life.
As eternal beings, we ARE a Spirit before all else. We HAVE a soul that consists of mind, emotions, and free will - our worldly identity. We LIVE IN the body that is a precious temple to house the Spirit. In Frequency Repatterning, we discover and locate the conscious and unconscious patterns in the physical body, soul identity, and bioenergetic field, helping to dissolve distorting frequencies and generate empowering ones that are in alignment with Eternal Truth. We support you in restoring the fragmented soul from trauma, stubborn negative beliefs, lack- or fear-based consciousness, and indecisiveness. We support you to upgrade, prune, and refine your Service in the world, help you access the supernatural supply, and eternal prosperity engaging the gifts of the Spirit that have been seeded in you.
Intimacy with Living Truth & Frequency Mechanics
Bio-Spiritual Renewal is a direct experience that creates an atmosphere for embodied revelations that are available to anyone at any given moment. First and foremost, it is about cultivating deeper intimacy with Eternal God, your True Parent, Beloved and Source, beyond any human-made doctrine. This allows us to go to the very root of the patterns that have separated you from Truth, and either shift them or gracefully relocate yourself to a higher space-time reality. You can think of it as a subquantum-level awareness work that brings science and Spirit together. It is about you coming home to your Spirit Identity without disassociating from your body. As the connection between your Spirit (timeless Self) and soul (linear self) becomes clear, the frequency of your body rises and you begin to experience a grander reality coming from a deep Eternal Presence within.
For example, resonating in the frequency of lack or fear creates a filter that distorts the way you experience the world and your life - it is easy to get lost in the limited reality defined by lack. It is easy to fear, get anxious, or feel unstable. It doesn't matter what you do or where you go, you will still experience some expression of lack: lack of love, resources, money, ideas, confidence, health, etc. When we come home to a deeper intimacy with Eternal God and uproot the distorting patterns from every dimension of our beings, we can rewire our body, soul, and Spirit to frequencies of Living Truth. Our lives begin to manifest from Eternal Prosperity, Fulfillment, Health, and Purpose. This is not just the law of attraction. It goes into the basic building blocks and "light architecture" of a human being on Earth. As a result, transfiguration happens. This is the Will of God for every human.
Eternal Presence & Time Distortions
One of the most important pieces of this inner transfiguration is to understand the Eternal Presence in your life and begin to fully operate from it. When you live in Eternal Presence you begin to also source from the Eternal Resources and unique instructions that have no ceiling. This will blow an immaculate wind to your sails beyond your personal resources and imagination and lift you to a Higher Reality. You become a living testimony of Eternal Truth that is here to help others. In any given situation, we have the ability to respond from the higher ground! How you resonate in the present moment dictates how your next moment will unfold. Many of us are being held captive by the past from where the distorted patterns continue to re-create themselves from. It is time to be free from the past and leave your personal history where it belongs - behind you.
The "fallen nature" of spiritual intelligence has manifested as a world full of distortions. This is where the human mind separated from Truth and began to create billions of temporary truths that are at the basis of all religious manipulation, trauma, and false light doctrines. In Bio-Spiritual Renewal we expose the areas where we have missed the mark, activating our DNA to its greater potential, upgrading the inner templating from which we are operating, and taking radical self-responsibility to walk the talk.
Frequency Meditation For Renewed Mind and Cellular Transfiguration
In Bio-Spiritual Renewal, we meditate to create lasting shifts within. I call this Frequency Meditation that calibrates the entire being to a renewed state that comes from the greater intimacy with God's Presence within. Science recognizes the power of meditation - true meditation literally reshapes our brains and minds spilling over to the physical reality and relationships. The parts of the brain associated with fear and stress will begin to shrink while those connected to Trust and Certainty will grow. This is a cellular transfiguration that takes place when we engage the Eternal Presence.
I witness miracle healings taking place, complete restoration and freedom, higher frequency solutions landing in, new opportunities opening up, and deep fulfillment becoming people's reality. This is how good God within us is.
Organic Gifts of the Spirit
Sanni doesn't use devices, spirit guides, or channeling to facilitate. She carries God-given gifts to help you embody your eternal brilliance, stop the endless loop of transformation work, and go to the next chapter of your life in work, relationships, and vitality. In the frequency sessions, Sanni creates a stable container to focus on clearing individual, hereditary, and collective patterns that are holding you back from experiencing fulfillment, safety, happiness, and abundance in life. It is a powerful way to discover freedom from your past, clean up your foundation, and integrate your experiences deeper. It is also a space to step into empowerment to create a future that is in alignment with the Higher Will and Purpose for your life. This work is about true empowerment and for you to learn to resource higher solutions in your life.
Your body becomes a higher frequency temple and an access point for coherence, deep safety, and calm confidence in your life - just to name a few. Your essence becomes more refined and the endless search may cease as you notice that you have arrived. You take the reins in your own hands and begin a creationship with Living Light and Eternal God. This is where your sovereign life begins.​
In the group programs and individual sessions, we dive deep into the organic Frequency Mechanics and Eternal Sciences to demystify them in our lives. Each monthly group program provides an accelerated space and an opportunity to focus on specific topics. In private sessions, we deep-dive into your personal intentions.
"I just wrapped up a 6-month somatic frequency immersion with 11 other amazing souls led by Sanni. I can without a doubt say that it was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I’ve experienced profound internal shifts, and I am now very excited about life and the world. I have a clear sense of purpose, feel more at home in my body, and trust myself to be the conscious creator of my own reality. Incredible things happen when you take 100% responsibility for your life." - Colton
"Honestly, I find it difficult to describe the depth of the experience. It feels like none of the words can describe the profound transformation it has made in my life. Basically, I am a completely different person now than I was six months ago. It is incredible how much has changed on the inside." - Julia
"It was a game-changer in the sense that the very next day after our first session, BIG things started showing up in my reality." - Amber​
"I have found this work to be absolutely amazing. The tools I have now help me to become a better version of myself. This helps to release old patterns. It also helps my family and friends release old stuff. I feel lighter and more at peace within myself. I am no longer feeling stuck and frustrated. I have tried many other things to help release these old patterns and this is the only thing that has worked. Extremely grateful for this work." - Kristine
"I just want to say, for the first time in 60 years, I am starting to understand who I am and why I'm here." - Susan
"It was very interesting what happened. I could feel every cell in my body vibrating... I could not sleep as it was just full of energy. Yesterday I already made some decisions where I clearly could say where I wanted to go. And I realized that my whole image of life and the world changed." - Maria