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Women Holding Hands

Family Grid Restoration

Reestablish, clear, and empower the relational ground of your blood-family and soul-family

Pre-recorded to go at your own pace
In Full: $155
Payment Plan: Two payments of $77.50

A strong and established family grid, both physical and spiritual, is one of the most important keys to bringing forth the Truth, Purpose, and Gifts inside of you. 


In these times, some families are being pulled apart, while others are being brought closer together. These times highlight the importance of a strong family unit that supports each individual to fulfill their eternal purpose. We cannot continue to carry the wounds or the deceptions of the old. 


Many family units are scattered, broken, or stuck in past timelines. Some are simply inefficient: communications are not flowing and general empowerment, encouragement, trust, and support are lacking. Coherence in communications is missing and some family members are stuck in the olden days or distorted realities while others are waking up to be free from the shackles of the past. 


How to bring harmony and coherence to family dynamics? How to mature together? How to be an even clearer and supportive mirror to each other without our personal justifications about each other's lives? How to address difficult situations and distorting patterns? How to show up for each other beyond the physical realm? How to detach from the family in a healthy way to come together in a greater way? We will dive into these questions, turn the soil, and help you to regenerate the renewed grid.


We also need to understand that in the Spirit, in higher dimensions, family means a different thing than in the physical dimension of the Earth. Soul-level family units reach beyond the blood family of this life. This will shine a LOT of light on why certain people are in your life either as a caring or triggering person and how to make the most of the soul-level family we have. The soul family is here to work with you!


In this program, we will work with the following: 

  • Redefining family: from Spiritual to Physical (including teachers, friends, etc.)

  • Restoring the original blueprint of your family 

  • Upgrading the family template: Uprooting lineage from deception and anchoring into Truth

  • Healthy detach from the family to re-enter a higher standard of living

  • Empowering the family relations: parent-child, siblings, partnership

  • Why family relations have been distorted and why certain scenarios occur within the family: adoption, miscarriage, unexpected death, loss, abuse, etc.

  • Enhancing clear communication and coherence

  • Responding to difficult situations from a grounded space vs. distorted reactions

  • Accessing the soul-family support: going beyond the blood-line 


This work happens beyond the understanding of the linear mind. You do not have to have everyone in your family participate in the program to bring in healing. I and my family are a living example of that among many others who have had the revelation of this deep work.



Program includes

  • Three 90-minute and One 60-minute Group Sessions (Pre-recorded)

  • Accelerated mastermind or sphere to support your breakthrough and embodiment 

  • Lifetime access to recordings


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After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info to Podia unless you already have it from the previous frequency immersions. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact if you have any trouble.

You will have the option to pay:
In full $155
Or via a Payment Plan - Two monthly payments $77.50
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How Does It Work?


You can read more about Bio-Spiritual Frequency Work here.


Sanni carries God-given gifts to sense where distorting patterns (collective, hereditary, or individual) exist in your soul, body, bioenergetic field, and timelines and help you to clear it out of your system while generating empowering frequencies. Sanni provide Bio-Spiritual Frequency Work throughout the sessions and create a space to reflect on how the patterns show up in your life and how to generate calm confidence to create new pathways. We create a space to move away from searching for solutions from the outside and go to the matter of fact within. When we work as a group we can generate more powerful frequencies and go much deeper.


Greater refinement, clarity, and expansion are available to us each day and it wants to be embodied in our daily lives! This work doesn’t only benefit you but every single person you interact with as well as the collective awakening of humankind.


Questions? Contact us at

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