Upgrade the quality of your life, transition from the distorted success paradigm into greater alignment with your true potential, and welcome regenerative abundance.
My life and service in the world shifted radically when I discovered the secret behind pure success. Pause to think about it for a moment: how do you define success?
Many of us approach it through a very limited lens:
Must become certified or prove your skills and knowledge to gain the trust of others
Must work hard to receive anything
Must think first about what people need and then adjust your service to it even if it wasn't what you enjoy doing
Must be on top of the game in social media/ networking/ contacts to have it under your control
Running in survival mode and head barely above the water
Sacrificing your own time/ body/ health and sometimes values to keep going forward
Must say yes to every opportunity/ spread yourself thin or otherwise, it won't be enough
Working during your bleeding days (female-bodied)
Being better than competitors
Taking a break only when you’re forced to by getting sick
"You can do what you love but it ain’t financially sustainable"
An honest question: Is this the paradigm you want to live in?
You have an option to shift your reality into what many people label as “too good to be true”. As Howard Thurman says: “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Many of us were taught not to dream too big. And yes, dreaming too big without a solid foundation is quite distorting leading to dead ends, opportunities falling through the fingers, instability, and bypassing that which truly needs attention. True success is not built by the expertise of specific professions - it is the same frequency level foundation that is behind all forms of regenerative success. It is not a combination of things that you do in the world but first and foremost it is a frequency or state within you.
True success is effortless action, authentic expression, and inner fulfillment that overflows into the external world. It's a potent magnetism that attracts the right contacts, resources, and opportunities to you. It is a radical responsibility of your own life instead of handing power outside of you. It is owning every bit of your life and becoming an authority and leader of your own life. It is high-level efficiency while resting and relaxing into the unlimited source of energy and resources. It is discovering resources within and learning how to express them in this world. It is to love what you do and do what you love. It is expanding from your center rather than moving away from your center or selling your values/time/ health to gain abundance or meet someone’s expectations.
True success is true happiness and it is not only a privilege of certain people.
What if you could be excited to wake up in the morning to get to work? What if you cried tears of happiness when seeing the powerful impact of your work in this world? What if you could grow your business while working less? Is passive income really a thing? Are you willing to stop playing small and transition into the grandness of your potential? Are you ready to expand into new opportunities, refine your art and receive abundantly? Do you desire to accumulate and share prosperity?
In this immersion, we create frequency-level conditions to grow into your grandness and make the shifts you need to make in the year ahead to find yourself in a state of higher alignment in the months to come. There is one rule in the transformation process: you shift yourself first and the external world (work, relationship, health) follows. This work helps you to uproot the old rotten root system and plant seeds of inherent purpose into the fertile soil of your life. For some, there are more things to compost while others are ready to water the seeds of success already planted or getting ready to bloom. Wherever you are in this process this immersion helps you to carry it through with grace.
Program Includes
Three 60-minute Group Frequency Sessions (Recorded)
One 30-minute Private Session via Zoom (Live)
*The group sessions were recorded in January 2022 during the live immersion. Because this work happens beyond the concept of linear time you will receive all the benefits when you do the recordings at your own time *
Group Session #1:
Success paradigm reset: From suffering to effortless action, from artificial to authentic expression, from lack to abundance, from stressful control to relaxed efficiency, etc.
Group Session #2:
Set the tone for the new year: What do you want to see in your life this year? Attract the specific niche, align with the pure earth-human potential, activate your work in the world, etc.
Group Session #3:
The art of expansion: Generate abundance, maintain higher frequencies in your body, anchor in inner stability, magnetize new opportunities, actualize inner fulfillment
How Does It Work?
You can read more about Somatic Frequency Work here or listen to this podcast on the topic.
Each session is both a reading and a collaborative body-based meditation to calibrate and activate the underlying power within. Sanni carries abilities to see where distorting patterns (collective, hereditary, or individual) are existing in your body, bioenergetic field, and timeline and helps you to clear it out of your system while generating empowering frequencies. Sanni provides Somatic Frequency Work (sub-quantum energy work) throughout the sessions and creates a space to reflect on how these patterns show up in your life and how to generate calm confidence to create new pathways. We create a space to move away from searching for the solutions from the outside and go to the matter of fact within. Learn more about Sanni’s abilities here.
When we work as a group we can generate more powerful frequencies and go much deeper. Greater refinement, clarity, and expansion are available to us each day and it wants to be embodied in our daily lives! This work doesn’t only benefit you but every single person you interact with as well as the collective awakening of humankind.
Questions? Contact Sanni at sanni@eternal-present.com