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In the Light of Revelation

Illuminating series to meditate on the Holy Scriptures, attune to the frequencies of the Living Word, and walk in the Mysteries of Christ in us.
with Michael & Sanni Parisi

Pre-recorded to go at your own pace

Open up to the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, and join us to commune with the Spirit of Revelation in Christ Jesus 
 When the spirit of Revelation opens up our eyes to the mysteries of God, the holy scriptures begin to unfold to us as a Living Word bringing us to life in a new way. Everything in the Kingdom of God is alive! Every verse is a realm that we can step into, unlocking deeper dimensions of revelatory insight, and catalyzing the transformation of the mind and identity. The timeless scriptures are pointing us to Truth, dripping with keys, gateways and blueprints to engage, be renewed by, and put into action to fulfill our destiny as the children of God.


In this series, we will plumb the depths of the inspired Scriptures with the Holy Spirit to bring about fresh revelation of the life-changing Gospel. Through meditating on the Scriptures and entering through the gateways hidden therein, it makes way for the Living Word to awaken within us to greater degrees. We enter the inner chambers of our heart and dive into actualizing the beloved identity - Christ in us, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). We will engage in the renewal and refreshing of the soul and mind, knowing the truth that makes us free (John 8:32). ​It is through the intimate knowing of God that the fullness of life opens up to us. 


In the Holy Scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ, there is much that got lost in translation or misunderstood by missing the cultural context. In these sessions, we engage the Wisdom, Council, Understanding and Knowledge of God and encourage transformative and reflective space for each of us to discover what the Holy Spirit is revealing within. Deep calls to deep!


We will also draw from direct encounters with the Holy Trinity, and the word that God has spoken to our hearts to share. At times, we will bring insights from the studies of the original words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, that hold much deeper meaning than the English translations often reveal. 


The Kingdom of God is within us and the invitation to materialize heaven on earth has been delivered to us in Christ.The scriptures help us to mature into understanding our roles and responsibilities as the children of God, a life-giving spirit embodied. Our willingness and desire to walk in the ways of God opens the door to the living frequencies of the Eternal Word to reach our inner microcosm, transfiguring our being even on a molecular level. Through the outpouring of this unfailing love, our participation beneficially impacts the macrocosm of all. 


The sessions include reflective space, revelatory teaching, contemplative meditation, and an activation prayer on the divine reality and specific theme of scriptures that the Holy Spirit highlights to us in each session. We will open up to fresh encounters and come before the feet of the Master to learn together. Our true identity, inheritance, health, wealth, wisdom, purpose and destiny, and principles of divine creativity are examples of the topics that we will dive into.


With this series, we move into the last phase of the year leading to the celebration of the incarnation of Christ and making a way to the new year!​ Our prayer is that these seeds of Truth will fall into good soil and grow into a mighty Tree of Life within that bears good fruit for the sake of God’s infinite glory to be manifest in and through you. We pray that you may walk with the Wisdom of God, be an inexhaustible blessing on earth and an overflow of eternal life for the sake of the restoration of all things. You came here for a purpose written on the tablet of your heart and Jesus reveals the blueprint and the Way for its fulfillment. 


John 1:1-5: Christ, the Eternal Word

"In the beginning the Word already existed.

The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He existed in the beginning with God.

God created everything through him,

and nothing was created except through him. 

The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."

Program Includes

Six Sessions with Revelatory Teaching, Prayer and Meditation - 1.5 hr- 2hr each 


Session #1: 

Unveiled Face 


Session #2:

Being a Good Soil


Session #3:

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind


Session #4:

Letter to the Galatians - Living by Grace & Spirit


Session #5:

Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) & Contemplation


Session #6:

The Art of Making the Scripture Personal - Living as Love


***Michael & Sanni will alternate facilitation every other session to provide a rich container ***​​





The program content will be available via Eternal Present's Podia page, which is an online platform for courses. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info unless you already have it from the previous immersions. Those who have been working with Michael, please note that this program will not show up on his Podia dashboard, only Sanni's. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact if you have any trouble.

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