For embodying the fullness of life, Living From Rest is the most important reality we can live in accordance with in our lives. Toiling is a widely accepted norm, but in the blueprint of Christ, we are here to walk in a different reality - an abundant and regenerative life where our cup overflows for the love of another.
Restlessness is a symptom of living from a separate-self consciousness and hence inner scarcity where we exhaustively search for what we perceive we don’t have. True rest makes up a foundation for the fullness of life, our potential as a life-giving spirit on earth where wise, benevolent creativity flows from the heart of God. Let’s come together to dwell in the Presence of God and align with the life-changing grace of Jesus, revealing the reality of eternal rest within us.
In this Meditation Series, we open to revelations directly from the Holy Spirit of living the optimal life from rest. Talking about it only brings you to the door but truly immersing yourself into this Living Truth and receiving it in your heart changes the physical reality.​ There is immense value in gathering to engage the heavenly realms within, broadcasting what we behold into the world, and co-manifesting heaven on earth from the inside out. As we harmonize with our Divine Origin, anything that doesn't resonate with Truth starts to fall away, and our Real Identity is uncovered to greater degrees.
Operating from rest does not mean the absence of activity but unlocks our ability to create from abundance without agitation. As Dr Ogbonnaya wisely says, “Every human carries within their internal structure a full record of divine provision. When we operate in rest, we activate the abundance in us which restores the soul.” ​​​
All of these meditations are centered in Jesus Christ, the incarnation of the Original Word of God, the redeemer and mirror revelation of our True Nature, and the gateway to Eternal Rest. These frequency meditations are an invitation to commune together in the Heart of God, to rest in the Mystery, be saturated in the frequencies of Eternity, and to access all that has been seeded in our Spirits from before the beginning.
This promotes a pure space where your authentic essence can come alive and thrive, your soul can settle, and your body can be restored to the incorruptible, immortal record that Christ is. Together, we surrender to the love, wisdom, and power of God so that whatever opens up within these sessions is for the greatest benefit, transcendent of what we can personally contrive. We have far more than we realize, ready to be born forth for the benefit of all.
It will be a joy to commune in the glorious presence of the Most High with you!
“Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and God’s glory now streams from you!”
- Isaiah 60:1
Program Includes
Seven 30-40 minute transformative Prayer Meditations
Session 1: The Foundation of Rest
Session 2: The Prince of Peace & Sound Mind
Session 3: One with the Heart of God
Session 4: Releasing Exhaustion & Restoring Divine Strength
Session 5: Accessing the Holy of Holies
Session 6: Being Provided For: The Lilies of the Field
Session 7: Redeeming the Body
***Michael & Sanni alternate facilitation every other session to provide a rich container ***
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The program content will be available via Eternal Present's Podia page, which is an online platform for courses. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info unless you already have it from the previous immersions. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact sanni@eternal-present.com if you have any trouble.