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New Creation DNA & Identity 

4-month Transformational Immersion Rooted in the Multidimensional Gospel of Christ
with Michael & Sanni

March 3 - June 29, 2024
via Zoom & Telegram

In Full: $1152
Monthly Payment Plan: 4 x $288
Max 22 participants
This container is for those who have a revelation of Christ beyond the pendulum swing of man-made religion and self-centered spirituality. It is for the ones that truly desire to grow and expand in the fullness of what is possible on this path of organic Living Light that serves the restoration of all creation. This is for those whose hearts are on fire to exit the false light matrix. This is for the torch bearers that are willing to walk through the narrow gate, enter the full stature of Life, and embody the eternal purpose seeded within us. 

The true Gospel of Jesus is an epic love story, the greatest gift humanity has ever received. It is our most high potential embodied, a new prototype of a human, and a full regenesis of the original design of our DNA. The Gospel is not a religion nor a self-working ascent into Christ-consciousness. It is the good news of the free gift of liberation, redemption and union in eternal God that makes obsolete the path of doing it on your own on a never-ending spiritual hamster wheel. The true Christ-consciousness IS the Renewed Mind that comes through the revelation of the Gospel.

Anyone and everyone has total access to the Heavens via grace, right now. Done are the days of lifetimes of karmic practice to eventually ascend. God is Love and Love doesn’t leave us stranded to figure this out on our own. That would go against the very nature of Love. We only need to “know the truth, and the truth will make us free” (John 8:32).


The New Creation DNA

We have the divine DNA of God within us and due to this our living bodies are greatly coveted in the realm of the spirit. Human DNA carries much greater potential and promise than most of us realize. It is not a coincidence that so many souls and bodies have been compromised, fragmented or infiltrated on this planet. The fallen nature has taken a grip on one of the greatest treasures ever created. 


The truth is that we didn’t come here solely to survive. Disease, death, fear, lack, doubt, pride, and abusive authority, are not our original design but a corruption of the Truth. This is what Yeshua came to reveal within us - to be the Divine Pattern and redeem our DNA to the original blueprint as Eternal Life beings who have the power to affect creation on a massive scale. 

We are here to invade this reality with Heaven, the Realms of Light and Love. We are here to govern creation from the Kingdom of God within us as members of the divine council. This is what both the control system of religion and self-centered seeking have greatly distorted. We have far more value as expressions of the True Living God than you can possibly imagine. As a family, we are all in the process of re-membering the Truth and Love that our spiritual eyes have been blind to. The time is now for us to arise and shine - to go above and beyond!


The New Creation Identity

As our minds are renewed by the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Spirit), we see more and more clearly who we are in our Risen Nature. The separate self has been co-crucified, and our true nature has been co-resurrected, and co-ascended with Christ Jesus! This is a transition from the karmic do-it-yourself path based on our own achievements to the Reality of Grace where abundant life is a free gift from God, our True Source. The Gospel, the Good News, is a pride smasher through and through!


We are moving from being self-conscious to being God-conscious, from conditional to unconditional, from withholding to generosity, from lack to supernatural prosperity, from captivity to true freedom. Our hearts and minds are being renewed to stand in the full stature of Light uninhibited. Cellular transfiguration and the medicine of frequency are becoming a new normal. Our prayers are being answered because we have received the Way to speak them into the quantum field in singularity with God. This is the true ascension path that lifts the whole ground of reality to a higher resonance and manifestation. 


"Therefore if anyone be in Christ, they are a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, ALL things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

This is the time of returning to Great Intimacy with God, Union, Love, Joy, BioSpiritual Health, Cellular Regenesis, Abundance and Peace. When we live in this intimacy, it cancels out all illusion of separation and distance between us and the Most High Truth unifying us with the Original Christed Blueprint in the here and now. We are the active participants in the Dance of the Holy Trinity within and around us. Let’s gather together to walk the talk of empowered Love Culture that exists in our heart of hearts.


These are the topics that we will be diving into:


  • The true Gospel & Identity in Christ - our original image and likeness revealed and redeemed

  • Intimacy & Relationship with God -  engaging love and sweetness of union as the foundation 

  • Frequency level keys, transmissions, and revelations of walking the Way

  • Attuning to the New Creation Reality of being healed, delivered, set free, and made whole via Grace

  • Residing in peace as the natural state, the kingdom of God within

  • BioReGenesis: Soul, body, and DNA reclamation, restoration, healing, and regeneration 

  • Who we are as children of God - Claiming our inheritance in Christ for the sake of the Whole

  • Discover oneness with the dance of the Holy Trinity 

  • Cultivating true Ekklesia and Fellowship  - the gathering of those summoned by the Living Truth

  • Deeper revelations of the Holy Scriptures & the teachings of Jesus (Decoding the Bible)

  • Untangling from the spirit of religion, religious trauma, false light, the self-centered spiritual ways and spiritual bypassing of distorted oneness path

  • Maturation in our responsibilities, gifts, assignments, and destiny in the Kingdom (destiny scrolls & co-creation)

  • Levity - elevation by Grace, not by works

  • The power of prayer and prayers being answered - Supernatural supply 

  • Taking beneficial action from rest in God 

  • Renewing of the Mind - from limitations of the self to the Full Stature of Life

  • Cultivating the Culture of the New Earth, embodying Heaven 




Program includes

  • 13 Live Group Sessions - 1-2 hours each​

  • Lifetime access to the recordings

  • Telegram Group Chat: You’re expected to be part of the group chat where we will share supportive assignments, contemplations, and materials to engage in between the group sessions

  • Personal mentorship as needed via Telegram

  • Extra Transmissions via group chat in between sessions as inspired

  • Fellowship and community with like-hearted people - Spirit- filled and precise container to support your process and take us all to the greater reality. 


Live Session Times ​

*1-2 hours each - All times are in Eastern Time*

Time Zone Converter



OPENING: Sunday, March 3rd at 1pm ET 

Saturday, March 9th at 1pm ET

Saturday, March 16th at 1pm ET

Saturday, March 30th at 1pm ET



Saturday, April 6th at 1pm ET

Saturday, April 13th at 1pm ET

Saturday, April 27th at 1pm ET



Saturday, May 11th at 1pm ET

Saturday, May 18th at 1pm ET

Saturday, May 25th at 1pm ET



Saturday, June 8th at 1pm ET

Saturday, June 15th at 1pm ET

Saturday, June 29 at 1pm ET


NOTE! For the fellowship based nature of this container, it is recommended to be present on as many live calls as possible to receive the greatest benefit and stay in momentum with the rest of the group. If you cannot make it to all the live calls over the four months there are recordings available for each session. The Bio-Spiritual Renewal itself happens beyond the concepts of linear space and time and you will receive what you need in the presence of Eternal God when you do the recordings. 

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Gold.Lotus.Sanni (1).png

Registration - Please Read!

The program content will be available via Michael's Podia page, which is an online platform for courses. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Michael Parisi with instructions to create personal login info unless you already have it from the previous immersions. Those who have been working with Sanni, please note that this program will not show up on her Podia dashboard, only Michael's. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact if you have any trouble.

You will have the option to pay:
In full - $1152
Or via monthly payment plan - 4 x $288

If you're in *need* of financial assistance and you are truly called to this program please reach out to

 Wondering if this program is a good fit for you? Reach out to or to consult with us. 
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