The last days of the year provide an atmosphere of completion to leave the old behind. It is a call to bring all things to peace within, tie the loose ends, and reconcile. It is a time to look at the harvest of the year with transparency and honesty making way for the New Beginning. Join me to soak in the all consuming Love of God within us, wrap the year with Grace, and actualize Peace for the sake of the Whole. Set yourself up for success as the year changes.
Peace begins within us. We were not created to have a spirit of fear but a sound mind. Fear leads to conflict whether it happens within our own mind or in the physical world between the parties and nations. Let us not partner up with it but realize our risen nature as an instrument of peace that passes all understanding.
In this session, we presence ourselves with the profound message of Eternal Christ that is here to speak to our hearts beyond any man-made dogma and open the door to an immaculate renewal. These currents carry the true frequency of Unfailing Love that burns away distorted patterns of fear, separation, lack, deception, self-preservation, and manipulation that have been plaguing human minds and DNA.
History was made to be left behind composting into rich soil to grow from, not carried within as a burden. By resting in the timeless yet ancient silence of the winter solstice we immerse ourselves in the long-lost courage to let go and allow our systems to be reset by the Living Truth.
Program Includes
One 60-minute Live Group Session on the Winter Solstice
Thursday, December 21st, 2023 at 1:00pm ET
Cannot make it to the live session?
The recording will be available on the same day.
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