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New Creation Foundations

New to Jesus or returning to Christ with a fresh view?
Teachings, meditations, prayers, and activations that open the door to a deeper revelation of Christ & New Creation Reality

Six pre-recorded spirit-filled sessions
Extra resources
Access to a live Fellowship chat

Free program, with an option to donate
This container is for those who are curious about or already have a revelation of Christ beyond the pendulum swing of man-made religion and self-centered spirituality. It is for the ones that truly desire to grow and expand in what is possible on this path of Love, Oneness, Freedom, and Christ-embodiment that serves the restoration of all creation. As a child of God you have more than you can imagine…it is time to know your true identity and step through the door that leads to a New Creation Life in service to the entire cosmos.
New Dispensation of Christ on Earth


There are so many being called to and encountered by the Spirit of Yeshua on the planet right now outside institutionalized religion. There is a reason for this, it is not just by random chance.


The true Gospel of Jesus is an epic love story of complete redemption by grace, the greatest gift humanity has ever received. The Incarnation of Christ represents total oneness of divinity and humanity, spirit and body, heaven and earth.


It is our highest potential embodied, a new prototype of a human being, our total inclusion in the love of God, and a full regenesis of the original, eternal-life design of our DNA.


The Gospel is not a religion nor a self-working ascent into Christ consciousness. It is the Good News of the cancellation of the delusion of separation from God, the free gift of liberation and restoration that makes obsolete the path of doing it on your own on a never-ending spiritual hamster wheel.


We are moving from being self-conscious to God-conscious, from conditional to unconditional, from withholding to generosity, from lack to prosperity, from captivity to true freedom. Our hearts and minds are being renewed to stand in the fullness of Light uninhibited. Cellular transfiguration and the medicine of God-frequency are becoming a new normal.


Our prayers are being answered because we realize the Way to speak into the quantum field in singularity with God. This is the true embodied ascension path that lifts the whole ground of reality to a higher resonance and manifestation, co-revealing Heaven on Earth from this inside out.


We want to set you up for success


We have a beautiful fellowship of individuals who desire to know the ever-deepening revelation of our identity in Christ and the Kingdom of God's Love within us. We have people from all backgrounds and walks of life who simply desire to know the Highest Truth and have a direct, intimate connection to God for the sake of the whole. People are being touched by the life-giving Spirit of God and begin to remember who they are as spirit-beings. 


We are here to support you in maturing on this multidimensional walk with Yeshua, unlock that which God has seeded in your heart before the foundations of the earth, equip you to operate from the Spirit realm and the supernatural supply, and deepen the holy intimacy with God, our First Love. ​


If you did not participate in the New Creation DNA & Identity program earlier this year it is our strong recommendation to do this program at your own pace to see if you resonate with the gospel message of Christ we are sharing. The foundations are powerful and they carry a potency to lift you up into higher revelations of freedom! ​​


For greater maturation, renewal, and equipping we offer a seasonal 3-4 month container, Fountain of Life. In case you're called to join the seasonal container, it is important to us that you are caught up to speed,  discover belonging, and that we can open up to new dimensions together as a coherent fellowship. 


The New Creation Foundations container encourages you to consciously abide in Presence and awaken from the delusion of 'separate self' identity that is the root of all problems - lack, dis-ease, codependency, insecurity, low self-esteem, disconnection, conflict, pride and war. The restlessness and confusion of a 'separate self' identity looks like striving to get something and trying become someone in this world. It can look like never discovering stable fulfillment, or endless attempts to fix oneself due to being rooted in a lack-based operating system.


We will share teachings, prayers, meditations and impartations to entrain us to the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit, saturating our cells with the frequencies of God, embodying who we are as eternal spirit beings in human form.

"Therefore if anyone be in Christ, they are a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, ALL things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)




Program includes

  • Six pre-recorded Spirit-filled sessions

  • 30-min crash course to reading the Holy Scriptures with awakened eyes for those that are interested + Reading recommendations

  • Access to the Fellowship of Christ Telegram group where you can ask Sanni & Michael questions, commune with others, and expand your exploration through extra links and resources shared in the group


Session 1: 

Intro: Christ Beyond Human-made Dogma


Session 2:

Multidimensional Gospel​


Session 3:

Baptism of Love & Healing the Orphan Identity â€‹


Session 4:  

Jesus - The Living Ascension & Descension Ladder​


Session 5:  

Impartation of The Holy Spirit & Intimacy​


Session 6:  

Our Identity in Christ: Operating as an Incorruptible Spirit on Earth​​​​​​​​​​

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Registration - Free, with an option to donate 

We pray that this program will transform your life in the best possible way!

The program content will be available via Eternal Present Podia page, which is an online platform for courses. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email from Eternal Present with instructions to create personal login info unless you already have it from the previous immersions. Those who have been working with Michael, please note that this program will not show up on his Podia dashboard, only at Eternal Present. If you do not find the email, please check promotions/junk mail and contact if you have any trouble.


Option to Donate to Our Mission 

If you are moved to donate to us and desire to sow into our mission we welcome it with open heart and envision that it’ll return to you 1000-fold. Any donations are greatly appreciated and they make a difference in our lives!​




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