Words of Gratitude

“I just wrapped up a 6 month somatic frequency immersion with 11 other amazing souls led by Sanni. I can without a doubt say that it was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I’ve experienced profound internal shifts, and I am now very excited for life and the world. I have a clear sense of purpose, feel more at home in my body, and trust myself to be the conscious creator of my own reality. Incredible things happen when you take 100% responsibility for your life."
Colton Elaurian Osborne
"Honestly, I find it difficult to describe the depth of the experience. It feels like none of the words can describe the profound transformation it has made in my life. Basically, I am a completely different person now than I was six months ago. It is incredible how much has changed on the inside.
Sanni is the best kind of a teacher one can have. She is leading the work with a big heart, immense compassion and true wisdom. Joining the program was absolutely one of the best investments I've done for myself and therefore, for also those around me and the world."
Julia Kukkonen
"I have had profound results with the frequency sessions! Things are coming up and I am able to claim that is not how I really want to respond or act. The behavior is clearly identified and I don’t really connect with the behavior at all so I have put that at the front of my consciousness. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this work! I have been trying to release these patterns on my own for several years acknowledging but unable to identify or release the pattern. These sessions have made it clear and almost as if when they happen they really don’t exists."
Kristy Turner Miller
"So amazing! I feel like I have found a sense of groundedness and a center within myself that I never knew was there, but have always longed to be in touch with! I feel like I've moved through some big aspects of the scarcity mentality - releasing that! And am stepping more fully into an abundance mentality. Which feels so good!"
Mallory Corley Moon
"Sanni is an absolute gift. I know of the greatness inside of me, yet I have so many barriers, so many coping mechanisms I have built up around this greatness. Sanni's intuition is divine, working in its natural divine way. It's really difficult to describe, but I feel lighter, in all meanings of the word. Months ago, I was going through a spiritual slump and going through 2 of Sanni's frequency healing programs. It's been half a lifetime since I felt that way and these programs have been a lifesaver!"
Grace Edeus
"Over a period of several months I received Sanni’s counsel. During the session she was able to pin-point and explain an emotional pain that I have been experiencing my entire life, that I was never able to understand. Sanni is a wizard, who is tapped into a labyrinth of wisdom that she accesses to bless her clients with what they need to know on their path. If you are lucky to meet her, then I urge you to treasure the chance to get to know her and take advantage of her healing work. I give her my highest recommendations.”
Karen McMullen
"If you feel inspired to have support in making radical, positive shifts in your life, I highly recommend working with Sanni Pääkkönen! Sanni stewards some very powerful oracular gifts arising from a deep space of embodied realization. You can be sure you will be held in a safe and efficient container for the awakening and embodiment of your pure potential."
Michael Parisi
"This was my first introduction into frequency work, though I have journeyed through different healing and energy work modalities for many years, I found this to be the most instantaneous and efficient. Through this program I was introduced to a deeply centered pure alignment with my true essence and was able to recognize patterns of belief systems and distorted imprints that were operating in the background originating from outside of myself. These recognitions were accompanied with the awareness of my sovereign knowing weaving re-patterning into my Being. I gained a lot of tools to help me continue to embody Sovereign Love. Sanni builds a potent transformative container and provides highly intuitive understandings with compassionate support throughout the program."
Amber Moon
"It is different from receiving other energy work, where frequency energy feels like an internal makeover. It gets to the core of your inner being & erases patterns and beliefs, so you can create new ones. It opens the power to becoming the creator of your life."
Monica Bradley
"It was such a new and beautiful experience to partake in this course. At times it was challenging for me to focus for so long. But I received so much beautiful energy and healing words so grateful. I'm in a new relationship and I feel a lot more detached in a healthy way than I have ever done before and I really credit this course for being a big part in supporting that. Having the support on messenger was also so valuable. I also have ongoing visualizations which I continue to do which I know will continue to support me. Thank you so much for your time and energy and I look forward to the next experience."
Laura Goss
“Sanni, you are my inspiration! How you teach and hold space is truly special. You have guided me to my inner teacher and I bow in gratitude. I have never felt more empowered and excited for life.”
Jenna Gear
"I am grateful to be at your program of Frequency healing. You give a clear vision of how to connect with my own frequency and essence. You know how to get to the core, along all the layers that I create and that society imposes. It is a path that you guide with love, purity and clarity. It helps me to take steps in the right direction that will take me further on the right path to my higher self and purpose."
"So powerful! Deep, and helping me align with and return to my center. Challenging me to push forward toward actual using my greatest potential. There is no turning back now!"
Mallory Corley Moon
"This was the third frequency healing I have had the good fortune to participate in and it was a game changer in the sense that the very next day after our first session, BIG things started showing up in my reality. I did receive so much support through frequency and Sanni's spoken transmissions that helped me to relax into expansion in all the areas I had been taught consciously and unconsciously to stay small and helped to tap more fully into the field of unlimited potential. I believe in this work fully at this point. Not just on the level of internal transformation but on all levels. A contact I was given through mutual friends months ago who happens to be a pivotal connection around the evolution of my life work came forward in a big way, literally could not have happened more perfect and is the key unlocking a destined path of my dharma. Then another powerful contact entered my field and ended up sharing that they felt called to support my development in ways I've needed help with, which they just so happen to have the background in....I have worked hard to get here and this program catalyzed what was waiting for me at the perfect time. Thank you so much."
Amber Moon
"Sanni guided me through a powerful 3-session initiation process that led me to a highly elevated state of transformation. Not only did she teach me valuable tools for self-led spiritual development, but do they also align with my existing methods! I truly rejoiced in the blissful gratefulness of having found my way to my spirit's power and my inner guidance. I am feeling an elevated sense of coherence, trust in uncertainty and the curiosity of what an ever deepening connection with my spirit leads me to experience and learn."
Ville Määttä
"My experience with receiving frequency work with Sanni has been a gift that continues to unfold long after each session. Her eternal wisdom is natural and delicate, yet powerful and strong. The healing energy that flows freely through her activates the body's subtle energy system to remove blocks and to align one to their own inner knowing and truth. I now have a deeper connection to myself and a broader self awareness that can only be described as blissful."
Monica Bradley
“Sanni shares such a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and intuition that goes beyond technique and information. She is both ancient in her wisdom, and joyous in her playful presence. Through ritual and creating sacred space, she imparts ancient knowledge. She has learned many sacred practices and knowledge from extensive travel and trainings throughout the world. In both her teaching style and healing work, she is humble and fully present with her listening and deep guidance. She walks her path, embodies her own spiritual growth, and has so many stories and magic to share from her experiences. I am honored to learn and grow with her, and feel empowered in my path and awakened in my own intuitive magic.”
Caylin Rose Janet
"It was very interesting what happened. I could feel every cell in my body vibrating... I could not sleep as it was just full of energy. Yesterday I already made some decisions where I clearly could say where I wanted to go. And I realized that my whole image of life and the world changed."
"Had an amazing 4-week journey with Sanni and a mastermind formed by 9 women. It was a powerful experience to dive deeper into frequency healing. We worked together to clear patterns that don't serve us anymore. We have been carrying some patterns that are possible not even ours for maybe generations and Sanni helped us to work with them and to release them. I felt physical, mental and spiritual changes in my being and the integration process is definitely still doing its magic. The energies we worked with were very powerful and so high that sometimes my mind couldn't handle them and I even fell asleep for short moments. I'm super grateful to have had this opportunity to work with Sanni and all these other women with our mastermind. Sanni is doing very important work for helping us to heal and the generations yet to come. Thank you so much! "
"Open to the experience of healing, I felt a deep connection with my inner flame during the first session. I got lit. Themes from the session ran through my consciousness in the weeks between sessions. In the second session, I got heavy and felt connected to the past. I was angry. The third session went even deeper into fire, life, and pain. Attunement of myself as if I was the 'other', separate yet whole."
Renae Joank
"For the many of us who are doing our best to navigate conscious relationships in a healthy way, this was a most insightful and re-aliging program in both the powerful frequency healing as well as the very clear transmissions of wisdom Sanni and Michael beautifully shared through the program. Through what I received, insights arose that helped me to actually understand subtle power dynamics and trigger/reaction patterns on the truest level which previously I only had confusion or upset feelings around. Misunderstandings around a multitude of elements around things my partner has said/done and I have said/done actually began to arise into view from a space beyond distortion so I could finally understand him/myself better which helped to shed some of the armor. I also experienced a bubbling up of what I realized afterwards was a deeply needed emotional release in connection to what some of my unidentified pain was actually coming from, and once I could access that I have been able to use the empowerment tools provided to create a long-term shift around that polarity."
"The relationship work for me was about healing the relationship with my higher self. The work has also evoked a self healing for myself on varying levels, from advocating for myself in my work & family dynamics to feeling physical healing taking place within my body."
Monica Bradley
"It's incredible at the moment, I can feel how everything inside me tries to rearrange and find new ways. just now I felt that my whole spine is kind of washed and cleansed, down and up, down and up. it still happens right now. Amazing. And I feel how my body settles more and more in the now, in my spine kind of, I breathe totally different, much deeper, it feels much more stable to surrender and trust. What a profound insight last time. Thank you so much!"
"I have almost not enough words to describe the way Sanni is guiding people and sharing all the deep wisdom she carries. She could give me the deep spiritual guidance that I needed to transform and grow from. She is pure love and light and a huge inspiration for me. She holds so much space and creates a safe container for everyone in an authentic and humble way. I have a lot of respect for her and she is also good fun!"
Kelly Jenkins
"It has been such a gift. Truly. There was some sessions I cried. During the experience, it was a little bit difficult at times. But I do believe that reflects how much I needed it. About halfway through, things began coming up, that felt almost like ‘tests’ — “Are you going to fall back into the patterns your old self slips into because it’s easy & feels good/makes you feel validated?”. I began to open up with my three closest friends & my siblings. I was able to be vulnerable with them all, reveal my honest true self, & ask them to support me in this time & protect me in the event other people are not as kind as them. I would like to again thank you deeply for your time. It is always so wonderful to work with you."
"This has been life-changing for me Sanni, thank you so much!"
Sage Rose
"The week within our first meditation session, I began having deep feelings of self love. It has been as though I see myself so differently than I did before. That week, I continued reflecting on this and it continued. I have spent most of my life not loving myself, and having a deep sense of lack within my body. It was almost as though I was always seeking to fix something, even when nothing was really wrong.
So with this, I suddenly had this hit of a big realization one day last week or so – I do not need to fix anything, and I am truly perfect right now as I am. I also began almost seeing someone different in the mirror. It has been the most wild experience, because I can’t even explain how transformative it truly feels, and still is feeling, over the last two weeks or so. I am so excited to continue working with you!"
Brandi Parmar
"I wanted to say a deep thank you for the gift of last week's Love Illuminated session. I have listened to the recording 3 times now, in addition to the live session, and each time has been a really profound experience - where every word and idea transmitted felt like a precious gift of instruction on how to be more free. I could point to so many phrases that have been so useful for me, but one that immediately struck me deeply was when you offered this phrase as a way of countering negative patterns: "This is painful...I don't need to suffer anymore, and I CHOOSE not to."
Something about the way this reached my awareness felt so liberating, like the awareness of suffering as a choice was something I have learned about through other teachings and could relate to intellectually, but this was the first time I experienced it directly. I could write for many pages on the various aspects of the session that have been working deeply in me, but I really just wanted to say "thank you". I experienced your energy as incredibly loving and truly devoid of any judgment, and your approach really connected with me and brings so much Peace and Hope.
This feels like it is opening so much for me, and I would welcome any suggestions on how I can continue this work and learning in this way, it feels like these are tools that I want to work with much more.
Eyal Amiel
"Thank you from my heart for our wonderful session. I listened to it again a few times and it still touches me. Earlier that day I had asked myself what I don't see about myself and I was wondering why I have all this intellectual knowledge about enlightenment but don't seem to let myself go deeper. And then I received the answer with you. Also, I got an idea for why I've collected so many scriptures and texts. I could feel how precise and clear everything you said was. Just amazing!"
Rebecca Stern
" Loved the session today. It was wonderful. I have been tapping in and recalling my families super powers and also working to expand myself from center. Excited to see how life manifests. Enjoying this group tremendously and all of the courses. Feeling the shifts in my soul is blissful! Thank you! Hoping the end isn’t near and another similar or same group will be created?"
Kristy Tuner Miller
" I really feel like I have been more in control of my time and emotions since our session and feel more at peace. So I really cannot thank you enough.
Emily Nind
" Sanni's gifts are apparent from the moment that you connect with her. She provides a safe, calm space to release filters that have come to block your ability to live at your true potential. In the Worthy of Abundance program, we specifically addressed those filters that diminish your self's sense of worthiness - in whichever area(s) of life this may present itself. The sessions brought calm, grounded acceptance & fulfillment to me in a way that years of other methods - such as meditation, therapy, physical exercise - did not."
Michelle Daoust